Unlock the Key to a Healthy Body – What A 74-Year-Old Raw Vegan Fruitarian Eat For Lunch

Unlock the Key to a Healthy Body – What A 74-Year-Old Raw Vegan Fruitarian Eat For Lunch

Nov 4, 2023

As December approaches, let’s take a peek into the lunchtime habits of a 74-year-old raw vegan fruitarian. This routine is not just about sating hunger but also about keeping acidity and congestion at bay.

It’s a testament to the power of live, water-rich, fiber-packed foods in maintaining optimal health.

Fresh-Squeezed Sunshine: Orange Juice

It all begins with 16 ounces of lively, freshly squeezed orange juice sourced all the way from sunny California. These Valencias are a delightful treat, bursting with flavor and goodness. It’s a refreshing way to kickstart the meal.

Exotic Marvel: Mamey Sapote and Fruit Medley

Next up on the menu is a fruit that’s truly a game-changer: Mamey sapote. This exotic delight is complemented by a medley of bananas and grapes, creating a symphony of flavors and textures.

The Mamey sapote, in particular, is a sensation. Picture the best sweet potato you’ve ever had, tinged with hints of pumpkin and caramel. It’s a taste bud extravaganza.

The Power of Live Food

Why the focus on live food? It’s the key to a flourishing well-being.

The abundant water and fiber content help maintain a smooth internal flow, preventing any blockages or congestion. On the other hand, depending heavily on animal-based or starchy foods can result in a less efficient digestive system.

A Raw, Fruit-and-Vegetable Affair

Your 74-year-old friend is a strong supporter of a diet primarily consisting of raw fruits and vegetables. Nuts, seeds, and avocados find their way in, adding essential fats in just the right measure.

Remember, a little fat goes a long way. The overconsumption of saturated fats is a key factor in many of today’s health challenges, including heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

Caloric Breakdown

Now, let’s delve into the caloric breakdown.

The orange juice clocks in at around 200 calories, while the Mamey sapote steals the show with a substantial 450 to 500 calories.

Add to this the banana brigade, contributing another 500 calories.

We’re looking at a robust 1200-calorie lunch. I live an active life, teaching tennis and working out daily, so these calories are a crucial source of energy for me.

Breakfast: A Dynamic Start

For breakfast, I had a vibrant beginning with 16 ounces of fresh orange juice.

I also enjoyed a smoothie made with six bananas and two dates, adding up to about 700 calories.

This brings the day’s count to about 2100 calories.

With more fruit on the horizon before dinner, followed by a generous vegetable salad, the tally could easily hit 3000. This might seem high, but it’s a testament to the energy demands of an active lifestyle.

The Alkaline Advantage

The beauty of this menu lies in its alkaline nature. It’s a diet that avoids causing excessive acidity or congestion, which are the culprits behind many modern health problems. This is the blueprint until it’s time to bid farewell to the world above ground.

Embrace the Fruit-Powered Journey

Remember, embracing a fruit-centric approach isn’t just a choice; it’s a commitment to flourishing. So, let’s raise our glasses, or in this case, our fruit bowls, to a thriving, fruit-powered journey!

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