Fruit-Filled Flavor – The Ultimate Raw Tomato and Mango Salad Dressing Recipe

Fruit-Filled Flavor – The Ultimate Raw Tomato and Mango Salad Dressing Recipe

Nov 3, 2023

In the kitchen today, I’ve whipped up a mouthwatering Mango and Tomato Salad Dressing that’s sure to tantalize your taste buds. To start, I’ve selected two nam dok mangoes, perfectly ripe and bursting with flavor. Don’t be alarmed if you notice some black spots on the skin – that’s a sign of ripeness! These mangoes will be the star of our dressing.

A Symphony of Flavors

In addition to the mangoes, I’ve included a delightful concoction of ingredients. Four juicy Campari tomatoes lend their vibrant color and rich taste, while two generous green onions add a subtle kick. Half an avocado contributes a creamy texture, and a teaspoon of almond butter brings a nutty depth to the mix.

The Passion Fruit Elixir

Now, here’s where the magic happens. I’ve prepared a batch of passion fruit juice using six of these tropical gems. After squeezing and straining, I mixed the juice with a little honey and water to make a sweet and tangy drink that will make our dressing even better.

it’s time to blend all the ingredients together

With all the ingredients in the blender, I’ve added a splash of the passion fruit juice to get things moving.

The result? A creamy, vibrant concoction that’s as visually appealing as it is delicious. Feel free to adjust the volume with more passion fruit juice to suit your preference.

The Taste Test

How is it ? Incredible Taste !

The dressing tastes great, with sweet mangoes and passion fruit balancing out the savory flavors of tomatoes and green onions. Of course, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can always add a hint of garlic or onion powder, but I prefer to let the natural flavors shine through.

Putting together a delicious salad

To complete the meal, I’ve gathered an assortment of fresh greens – green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, and crisp cucumbers. With this dressing, the salad is already a flavor-packed feast, boasting a medley of textures and tastes.

As I eagerly await my wife’s return from the dentist, dinner is ready to go. A nutritious, vibrant meal that’s sure to please. If you enjoyed this recipe, don’t forget to subscribe to our Newsletter for more culinary delights. Here’s to your health and culinary success ! Bon appétit!


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