Tom’s Personalized Coaching

Unleash the Power of Raw Vegan Living for Optimal Health and Wellness
My name is Tom Avery athlete and certified Sports Nutritionist, my wife and I have been adhering to a raw vegan (high fruit) diet since 2008. Holistic health and raw food has been my passion, starting back in 1982 when I began to study the the pioneers of healthful living. I’ve studied the works of Jethro Kloss, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Norman Walker, Dr. Robert Morse, Dr. Doug Graham, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. Most people have no idea what it feels like to experience life on a raw vegan diet. It has helped me overcome health challenges that were quite debilitating.
I am excited to guide you towards a level of health you may have never thought possible
It’s my honor and pleasure to help you more easily achieve the optimal health and fitness that is your birthright!
With over 15 years of thriving on the raw vegan lifestyle and over 14 years of sharing what I’ve learned on my YouTube Channel “Fruit N Sport” and my website it’s time to start helping others with the knowledge I’ve gained. I would love to connect, and help you experience what I’ve experienced, namely, a level of health I never dreamed possible.

Book Your Coaching Session
In order to serve everyone regardless of their financial situation I offer 3 types of consultations;
Consultation &
A 30 minute Phone Call
to help you find out where you need to make adjustments
You also receive my 2 vegan lifestyle guides : “The Transitional Vegan 30 Love Diet” a 98 page E-Book guide with all the recipes (for breakfast, lunch and dinner) you’ll need to transition and “The Totally Raw vegan 30 Love Diet” a 60 page E-book guide with recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner to keep you totally raw and experiencing a higher level of health.
Also, you’ll get unlimited emails and texts (answered within 24 hours) to help you get off to a good start.
1 Month Raw Lifestyle Coaching Package
Includes Four 30 minute Phone Calls
2 vegan lifestyle guides, “The Transitional Vegan 30 Love Diet” a 98 page E-Book guide with all the recipes (for breakfast, lunch and dinner) you’ll need to transition and “The Totally Raw Vegan 30 Love Diet” a 60 page E-book guide with recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Unlimited texts and emails answered within 24 hours
3 Month Raw Lifestyle Coaching Package
Includes Twelve 30 minute Phone Calls, 4 per Month
You also receive my 2 vegan lifestyle guides : “The Transitional Vegan 30 Love Diet” a 98 page E-Book guide with all the recipes (for breakfast, lunch and dinner) you’ll need to transition and “The Totally Raw vegan 30 Love Diet” a 60 page E-book guide with recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner to keep you totally raw and experiencing a higher level of health.
Unlimited texts and emails answered within 24 hours