The Secret to a Healthy Body and a Cancer-Free Life

The Secret to a Healthy Body and a Cancer-Free Life

Nov 3, 2023

For over 15 years, my wife and I have made bananas a staple in our diet. We’ve been devoted Raw vegan fruitarians, and bananas have been a fundamental part of our daily nutrition.

We used to buy them by the case, but now, we opt for eight to ten bunches every few days to keep up with our demand.

In Today’s video I will show you what this incredible fruit can bring to your body, you will be amaze by all the benefits it can have specially when you eat them everyday.

You may be familiar with Dr. Doug Graham, who has been my mentor. He wrote popular books such as “Nutrition and Athletic Performance” and “80/10/10” tailored for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

These books have played a vital role in guiding me towards optimal health.

Understanding the Spots on Your Bananas

Let’s address those freckles on the banana, often misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, they’re not a sign of spoilage. In fact, they indicate that the banana has undergone a transformation from starch to sugar. This transition results in a surge of antioxidants, known for their cancer-fighting properties.

Bananas and Cancer Prevention

Bananas are associated with TNF, or tumor necrosis factor, a component that aids in destroying tumors.

This TNF factor is directly related to those brown spots you see on ripe bananas.

The benefits of bananas extend beyond cancer prevention. Bananas don’t have any known cancer-causing elements. They’re packed with soluble fiber, which has anti-cancer properties.

Plus, their high water content helps keep your colon clean and regular.

Bananas: A Game-Changer for Athletes

For athletes, bananas are a game-changer. Bananas improve oxygen flow throughout the body and boost the absorption of vital sugars, essential for top-notch performance. When it comes to heart health, bananas have proven benefits.

They are low in cholesterol and fat, aiding in maintaining a healthy weight. Moreover, their high water content and low sodium levels help maintain proper blood hydration, a crucial element in managing blood pressure.

Contains Simple Carbohydrates and Improve Heart Health

Bananas are a great source of simple carbohydrates, perfect for high-intensity exercise. Engaging in regular exercise results in a stronger heart, a lower resting heart rate, and more efficient contractions.

It also encourages lymphatic drainage, improving the circulation of proteins and fats. This plays a crucial role in preventing blood from thickening and maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

The Potassium Powerhouse

The potassium content in bananas is another feather in their cap. This mineral is essential for proper heart contractions. It’s safe to say that including bananas in your daily diet is a wise move.

As for the quantity, in my earlier days at 58, I consumed up to 30 bananas a day. Now, at 74, I average between 10 to 15 a day. My wife, who follows a similar diet, consumes slightly fewer bananas.

Bananas and Diabetes

But here’s the thing: bananas aren’t just for cancer patients, heart disease sufferers, or athletes. They’re also beneficial for diabetics. However, it’s crucial to understand the true cause of diabetes, a topic covered in another video on my youtube channel called : What Is The Root Cause Of High Sugar And Diabetes? Healthy Eating Free Coaching Tom Avery.

To wrap up, bananas have made a significant impact on our well-being, and I urge you to include them in your diet. Remember, FruitNSport isn’t just about fruit. It emphasizes the importance of a well-rounded lifestyle, incorporating fitness, balance diet with fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and avocados in reasonable amounts.

Opting for fruit as your main source of calories leads to cleaner burning and less residue in your system.

Make sure to consider subscribing to our newsletter for more valuable health advice. Feel free to post any questions or comments, and I’ll be sure to get back to you. Remember, your health is your wealth, and embracing a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can be a transformative step towards a better life.


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