How To Increase Your Stamina and Endurance

How To Increase Your Stamina and Endurance

Nov 3, 2023

Today, I’ve got an amazing video for you, all about an important part of doing well in sports – getting more endurance and stamina. Whether you’re into tennis, basketball, running, or cycling, building endurance is key.

Let me share a game-changing technique with you: nasal breathing.

In my younger days on the court, I’d often find myself exhausted during long rallies.

It was frustrating, to say the least. That’s when I started delving into the science of breathing and its impact on performance. What I discovered was a game-changer.

The Science Behind Nasal Breathing

“The crucial point to remember is that hemoglobin releases oxygen when in the presence of carbon dioxide…”

In the book ‘The Oxygen Advantage’ by Patrick McEwen, we learn about how oxygen and carbon dioxide work in our bodies. Breathing too much, especially through the mouth, removes important carbon dioxide. This can lead to a condition called hypocapnia. As a result, hemoglobin holds on to oxygen, which means our muscles get less of it

The Nasal Breathing Advantage

So, what’s the key takeaway? Oxygen can only be released when carbon dioxide is present. Breathing heavily through the mouth disrupts this delicate balance.

Slowing down your breathing and transitioning back to nasal breathing after a long rally can make a world of difference.

This easy change helps you release less carbon dioxide and get more oxygen to your muscles. This gives you a boost in endurance and stamina.

Building Tolerance with Tape

Now, here’s the secret weapon: tape.

I’ve been using it at night to train myself to breathe through my nose. It’s been a game-changer for increasing my tolerance to carbon dioxide.

You’ll be amazed at how this simple practice can transform your endurance levels.


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