Do Vegans Need Supplements ?

Do Vegans Need Supplements ?

Nov 3, 2023

In today’s world, it’s easy to think that nutrition comes in the form of pills, powders, and potions.

Look around, and you’ll see many ads for protein powders. Some have so many ingredients, it’s hard to keep track. But here’s the key point about supplements – you can’t take just one part from a whole food and expect it to work the same way.

The Importance of Synergistic Properties

Let’s take calcium for instance. If you isolate calcium from kale or spinach, you’re left with a calcium pill. But that pill can never provide the same benefits as the kale and spinach themselves. They work together, helping your body use the calcium effectively.

A Temporary Fix at Best

In my view, depending solely on isolated parts of whole plant foods provides only a short-term solution. It might help if you’re severely deficient, but it’s not a recipe for true, lasting health.

Embracing a Vegan, Raw Food Lifestyle

I’m living proof of this. At 74 years old, I take no medications, and I’ve never had surgery.

It’s all thanks to embracing a vegan, raw food lifestyle 15 years ago. The energy that comes from whole, synergistic fruits is unmatched. They give you the most energy, measured in angstroms. Way more than what you’d get from supplements or processed foods.

The Role of Supplements

Supplements should only come into play if you have a serious nutritional deficiency. If you’re feeling relatively healthy, the key is simple – eat whole foods. They’re not just nutritious; they’re also great at keeping your body’s insides clean.

Regular bowel movements are a sign of a healthy digestive system.

The Importance Of Avoiding Digestive Slowdown

Avoid anything that might slow down your digestion, like excessive saturated fats. I learned this the hard way after spending the first 58 years of my life on a high animal-based diet. The switch to a plant-based, raw vegan lifestyle transformed my digestion almost instantly.

B12 and Whole Foods

When it comes to B12, our healthy bodies can manufacture their own if we let our fruits and vegetables be as nature intended. No need for extra supplements. I’m living proof of this at 74.

Remember, it’s whole foods that we need, not supplements. Fresh, ripe, and organic when possible. They provide all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients our bodies require, including the elusive B12.


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