30 Minutes to Stronger Shoulders – The Quick and Easy Workout

30 Minutes to Stronger Shoulders – The Quick and Easy Workout

Nov 3, 2023

Are you looking for an effective shoulder workout that won’t leave you exhausted? Today, I’ve got a routine that’s perfect for you.

The Plan

I’ll be focusing on shoulders today, but I’m going to keep it balanced. I’ll aim for three to five exercises. Considering I need a bit more recovery after my leg day, I won’t go overboard. Here’s the plan

  1. Dumbbell Overhead Press
  2. Side Laterals
  3. Possibly a Bent Over Dumbbell Row or Dumbbell Shrugs

I’m planning to stick to three exercises and go for four sets of 10 reps each. That adds up to a total of 120 reps if I stick to three exercises.

Warm-Up is very important

Before diving into the exercises, I always kickstart my workout with a unique routine – backward walking around the tennis court. This helps me get loose and ready for the session. I usually spend around 10 to 15 minutes on this.

Ideal Conditions

It’s really hot in Florida today, even though the sky is cloudy and it rained a little this morning. But that’s not going to stop me from doing my shoulder exercises!

The Workout

I’ll hit the dumbbell overhead press, side laterals, and possibly some rows and shrugs. Keeping it efficient and effective!

The Finish Line

After about 35 minutes, I’ve completed a total of 120 reps across the three exercises. This approach ensures I keep making progress. But remember, tracking your workouts is crucial. It helps you know when to increase weight, add more sets, or aim for more reps.

I hope you enjoyed this straightforward yet powerful shoulder workout. It’s all about smart, effective training. This routine took me just 35 minutes, but the results are worth it.

Remember, consistency is key. Keep pushing yourself, and you’ll see the gains. Until next time.

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