Lifestyle Fitness

Do Vegans Need Supplements ?

Do Vegans Need Supplements ?

Discover the transformative power of whole foods from a 74-year-old raw vegan fruitarian. Learn why supplements might not be the answer you believe, and how turning to the natural energy of fruits can transform your health.

Staying Well Supplied With Fruit Is Key To Your Success

Staying Well Supplied With Fruit Is Key To Your Success

Living in Florida offers its own special advantages, and one of them is the abundance of fresh, homegrown fruit. In this article, we’ll uncover the hidden gem of having access to trees laden with nature’s sweet treats. Join me in my friend’s backyard, where I’ll unveil a bountiful harvest and share tips on how you can enjoy these benefits, no matter where you call home.

How To Increase Your Stamina and Endurance

How To Increase Your Stamina and Endurance

Boosting endurance is like a treasure for athletes, and the secret might be simpler than you think – it’s right in your nose. Learn about the science behind nasal breathing and how it can completely change how you perform on the court or field.

How To Keep Your Joints Functional and Flexible

How To Keep Your Joints Functional and Flexible

In today’s video, we’re delving into the crucial topic of exercise and its profound impact on our joints. It’s often said that “motion is lotion for your body,” and there’s more truth to this statement than you might think. When we engage in physical activity, we’re not just moving our bodies; we’re also nourishing our joints and enhancing circulation

Money Doesn't Grow On Trees But Health Does

Get Tom's Story - How he went from SAD to Glad and Tom’s Top Ten Smoothies for FREE

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