The 2 Keys To Improving Your Health and Athletic Performance

The 2 Keys To Improving Your Health and Athletic Performance

Nov 1, 2023

In today’s video, we’re diving into the world of athletic performance and health. Whether you’re into tennis, basketball, or any sport, there are two crucial factors you need to remember.

Firstly, consistency is key. Show up every day, even on days you might not feel like it.

Push yourself a little, maybe get some extra rest or hit the hay earlier. Just make sure you’re there.

Secondly, don’t make excuses.

Some might think they need a day of rest, but there are always other areas you can work on. Your neck, your calves, your feet—keep moving.

Now, let’s talk about food. As a raw vegan fruitarian, my diet is heavily focused on fruits. But here’s the thing, I’m not just about fruits. Leafy greens, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and avocados are equally essential. They’re packed with the minerals your body needs.

At 74, I’m embarking on a muscle-building journey. No, I won’t be turning to protein powders. For me, they’re a no-go. I know I can get all the protein I need from fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

This is a long-term project.

I’ve never delved into muscle building before, as it wasn’t necessary for tennis. Now, I’m on a mission. I started this journey on January 1st, 2023, and I’ve shown up every single day.

Today’s workout included intense sled pushes, targeting my legs and cardiovascular health. Then came Romanian Deadlifts for my hamstrings and lower back. I aim for high reps for that cardiovascular benefit.

I wrapped it up with incline chest presses, ensuring I push myself to failure on the last set. Flexibility is also crucial for tennis, so I finished with split squat stretches.

Remember, when you’re working out, be present. Stay off the phone and focus on the work. Track your progress, know the weights, reps, and exercises. This way, you ensure you’re hitting all areas of your body.

Join me on this journey. Let’s see if a raw vegan fruitarian can gain muscle. I’m light for sure, but I believe I can put on true muscle through resistance training. No protein powders, just whole foods and dedication.


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