Are You getting Enough Protein?

Are You getting Enough Protein?

Nov 1, 2023

We’ve all heard the buzz about protein. Where do we get enough when we are on a raw vegan fruitarian diet ? The simple truth is, if you’re eating enough food, you’re getting enough protein. No need to stress about it.

For those hitting the gym hard or involved in intense sports, a bit more protein might be beneficial.

But you can easily up your protein intake by just eating a bit more. Skip the fancy supplements and meat.

Cooked animal-based proteins can actually be seen as toxins by our bodies.

They trigger a reaction from our white blood cells, which act like the cleaners of our bodies.

Over time, if we eat too much cooked food and animal-based protein, our white blood cell production can decrease, making our bodies more vulnerable to germs.

Switching to a diet of raw fruits and veggies can make a big difference. Everything inside starts working smoothly, like a well-tuned machine.

When it comes to building muscles, lifting weights is the key. Protein is important, but it’s not the only thing. Eating enough calories and targeted training are just as vital.

So, don’t get caught up in the protein craze. A mix of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and avocados can give you all the protein you need. Say no to fancy protein powders and focus on simple, natural foods.


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