Health Tips

The Highest Energy Foods On The Planet

The Highest Energy Foods On The Planet

Power up your day with high-energy fruits! Mamey sapote and sapodia are the stars of the show, offering a burst of flavors like brown sugar, pumpkin, and caramel. These Southwest Florida treasures are your ticket to sustained vitality.

How To Stay Consistent With A Healthy Lifestyle

How To Stay Consistent With A Healthy Lifestyle

Staying on track with health goals during family visits isn’t always easy. In this video, I share my journey in Connecticut, emphasizing consistency and the importance of adapting to circumstances. As a 73-year-old vegan, my aim is optimal health.

Fruit N Sport Fruit Farm Tour

Fruit N Sport Fruit Farm Tour

Come with me on an adventure from the busy city to the peaceful outdoors. Let’s check out the lively orchard that grew from a wish for good health. Each tree has a story, and every fruit shows how amazing nature is.

Are You getting Enough Protein?

Are You getting Enough Protein?

Do you Worry too much about Protein ? You shouldn’t. If you’re eating enough, you’re covered. No need for fancy powders or meats. Switching to raw fruits and veggies can work wonders for your body’s inner workings.

Learning the Art of Detoxification is Key for Long-Term Success

Learning the Art of Detoxification is Key for Long-Term Success

In the pursuit of true health, understanding the art of detoxification is paramount. Imagine your body as an engine, requiring the right fuel to run efficiently. Just as a car falters with improper fuel, our bodies suffer when we neglect to provide them with the right sustenance. Opting for fresh, ripe, and preferably organic fruits and vegetables is key.

Keep Lunches Simple and High Calories

Keep Lunches Simple and High Calories

Unlike dense meats that tax your digestive system, this meal is a breeze for your body. The fructose and glucose are swiftly assimilated, offering an instant surge of vitality. Join me in reaping the benefits of this live, nutrient-rich fare.

Money Doesn't Grow On Trees But Health Does

Get Tom's Story - How he went from SAD to Glad and Tom’s Top Ten Smoothies for FREE

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