About Me

Certified Health Coach of “The 80 10 10 Diet” by Dr. Doug Graham

How We Got Started

Tom Avery is a lifetime athlete, tennis coach and sports nutritionist.
His interest in health started at the age of 32. He read every book on alternative health care and diet he could get his hands on. Although he made some improvements to his health, for years he felt that something was missing. It wasn’t till the age of 58 that Tom realized, after much research, that a vegan diet is the one we’re designed for and the most optimal.

Currently, at age 74, he still teaches and plays tennis, works out 5 days per week and is active in sprint triathlons. He also teaches all his tennis students and the general public of the benefits of adhering to a vegan lifestyle through his website FruitNSport.com and his raw vegan lifestyle plan, outlined in “The Transitional Vegan 30 LOVE Diet” and “The Totally Raw Vegan 30 Love Diet’. He is living proof that eating whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic food is the nutritional way to vibrant health and vitality.


Tom says, “For years I thought I was doing pretty well health wise, shopping at the health food store and trying to eat organic as much as possible. Yet, I was making unwise choices, unbeknownst to me at the time. Not everything at the health food store or at Whole Foods is a wise choice.

Because of being programmed by the advertising hype, designed to make money, not to create healthy people, I was fooled like everyone else, including other nutritionists, thinking that animal based foods are necessary. They are not only unnecessary, all you have to do is look around at the state of health here in the U.S. to rightly conclude, they are downright harmful.”

Tom continues, “After researching and studying books by Dr. Norman Walker, Dr. Colin Campbell, Dr. Doug Graham, Dr. Neal Barnard (President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine), Dr. Bernard Jensen, Rip Esselstyn (former world class Triathlete) and Jethro Kloss, pioneers of healthy living and peak physical performance, I began to see the light.

These men had the guts to go against the grain, and I’m thankful they did, because the benefits I’ve received from following their advice has been tremendous.

The light came in the form of the vegan diet and at the age of 58 in April of 2008 my vegan journey began. I came to fully realize that animal based foods are not only unnecessary but when overused they have a very detrimental effect on the human body.


Even when used in moderation they do not promote health as well as their nutrient dense, plant-based counterparts and over time will create disease. When a wide variety of fruits and vegetables are a part of the daily diet every nutrient needed by the human body is easily and readily obtained.

The U.S is the sickest country in the world, diabetes, cancer and heart disease, plus a plethora of other diseases are rampant and out of control. The use of animal-based foods is the leading cause of these diseases.”

“Today, I’m very excited about the programs I’ve developed and outline in the “The Transitional Vegan 30 LOVE Diet” and “The Totally Raw Vegan 30 Love Diet’. These programs will help you avoid the common ailments of modern man that are caused solely by food intake.

Without a shred of doubt, I can confidently say, if you put these principles of healthy eating into action, the quality of health and fitness you now possess, will be elevated to heights you never dreamed possible. I cannot encourage you enough to give it a try, it will without a doubt change your life for the better.”

Our Mission

Are you ready to transform your health and vitality? At Fruitnsport, we believe that the key to optimal well-being lies in a nutrient-dense, plant-based diet. Led by Tom Avery, a lifelong athlete, tennis coach, and sports nutritionist, we are dedicated to promoting the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. With our carefully designed programs, such as “The Transitional Vegan 30 LOVE Diet” and “The Totally Raw Vegan 30 Love Diet,” you can achieve vibrant health and avoid common ailments caused by poor food choices. Say goodbye to harmful animal-based foods and embrace the power of wholesome, organic produce. Join us on this incredible journey and elevate your health to new heights. Don’t wait – change your life for the better today!

Let's Stay In Touch

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Money Doesn't Grow On Trees But Health Does

Get Tom's Story - How he went from SAD to Glad and Tom’s Top Ten Smoothies for FREE

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