Staying Well Supplied With Fruit Is Key To Your Success

Staying Well Supplied With Fruit Is Key To Your Success

Nov 3, 2023

I’m here at my friend’s house in sunny Florida, surrounded by the lush greenery of his backyard. What caught my eye and stole my heart is an impressive mango tree, standing tall and proud. Even though my friend lives in Canada, they kindly let me pick from this fruitful tree.

The Last Holdout of the Season

As the season draws to a close for most fruit trees, this resilient mango tree stands out, still producing its delicious yield. Armed with a fruit picker, I set to work, collecting the ripest, juiciest mangoes.

It’s a sight to behold, and it serves as a reminder that no matter where you live, there might be a similar bounty waiting for you.

A Generous Offering

Thinking back to when I first became a vegan, I was amazed by the sight of trees in Florida loaded with fruits, much of it just lying on the ground. In those moments, we’d approach homeowners, offering to pay for the bounty. Surprisingly, more often than not, they’d respond with a smile and a generous offer: “Take what you want.”

Unlocking the Nutritional Treasure

This experience highlights a key aspect that many overlook – the incredible value of consuming copious amounts of fruit. Florida, with its generous climate, provides a haven for fruit enthusiasts.

The best part? It often comes at no cost.

For my wife and me, mangoes have become a staple, gracing our breakfast and lunch menus.

The best part? They’re easy to get to and packed with crucial nutrients like hydrating water, fiber, and sugars that your body absorbs effortlessly.

Nature’s Bounty Unveiled

Back in my friend’s backyard, the mango tree is a testament to nature’s generosity. It’s a scene of abundance, a living reminder of the treasures nature has to offer. But the mango tree isn’t alone.

Nearby, sapodia trees and star fruit trees await their turn to shine. And let’s not forget the mulberry tree, a humble yet significant addition to this fruitful oasis.

The persimmon tree, though not currently at its visual peak, holds the promise of delivering incredible fruit in due time. It stands as a testament to nature’s resilience and its potential for regeneration.

A Diverse Harvest

As I gather a basket full of avocados, I’m reminded of the diverse range of fruits that thrive in this region. Each tree has its own story to tell, its own unique flavor to offer.

And it’s not limited to Florida alone. Wherever you reside, there’s a chance that your neighbors have fruit trees that are underutilized. A simple inquiry might lead to a treasure trove of fresh, local produce.

Balancing Act

After my fruitful harvest, I make a quick stop at the store for some additional essentials. While I grow my lettuces, there’s still a need for other fresh produce like cucumbers and tomatoes. It’s a reminder that even with a backyard full of fruit trees, there’s room for variety and balance in our diet.

Embrace the Bounty

II encourage you to explore the potential of your own surroundings. Whether it’s Florida or any other region, the bounty of nature is waiting to be discovered.

Embrace the opportunity to enjoy fresh, locally grown fruits and let it be a cornerstone of your nutritional journey.

Remember, it’s not just about what you eat, but how you source it that makes all the difference.


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