Fruit N Sport Fruit Farm Tour

Fruit N Sport Fruit Farm Tour

Nov 1, 2023

Stepping onto my fruit farm, I’m reminded of the journey that brought me here. From the city streets of New York to the fertile lands of Florida, the transformation has been nothing short of Incredible.

In 2008, a frozen shoulder threatened my tennis career, pushing me to seek alternative solutions. The result? A dive into Dr. Doug Graham’s 80 10 10 diet, an overnight shift from fast food to nature’s best.

Today, my property boasts around 60 fruit trees, each one a testament to nature’s resilience. Avocado, mango, sapodia, and sugar apple trees flourish, a thriving orchestra of life.

Tending to them is a labor of love, a dance with nature that feeds not just me, but the creatures that call this orchard home.

The Mamey Sapote, with its rich, sweet flavor, stands tall, a symbol of nature’s artistry.

Avocados, mangoes, and other treasures await their time of harvest.

The Nam Dok mango drips with sweetness, ready for the picking. The Champagne mango, a jewel from Mexico, tantalizes the taste buds with its succulence.

As I walk, I’m greeted by a Meyer lemon tree, a promise of zesty lemonade.

Nearby, a papaya volunteer stands tall, a testament to nature’s tenacity.

The miniature mango tree, guarded by vigilant birds, showcases the harmony of creation.

Stepping towards the front, you will see a grand mango tree, heavy with promise. A regal palm tree, a gift from a friend, stands tall, destined to grow even bigger.

Frangipani, with its vibrant colors, enchants like a lei in full bloom.

The orchard is a living masterpiece, a testament to the Creator’s genius. As I pick ripe mangoes, I’m reminded of the circle of life, shared with the creatures who call this orchard home.

Amongst this bounty stands a lychee tree, offering glimpses of sweet treasures yet to come.


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